Employee performance issues – beware of Award provisions
A recent matter before the IRC provides a timely reminder to all Councils of the need to carefully take into account the detailed...
Upcoming practitioner events
Graham Evans and Aimee Saaib from O’Connell will be involved in two practitioner events being organised by the Industrial Relations...
Permanent demotion for poor performance deemed excessive
In a decision handed down on 26 September 2017, the Industrial Relations Commission imposed a cap on the period of demotion for a...
Transport Field Officer granted working with children clearance despite past conviction
In a decision handed down on 27 September 2017, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal declared a 'disqualified' employee should be...
Top 3 tips for dismissing problem staff in a fair way
As specialists in employment law, O’Connell Group keeps a close eye on decisions from the Fair Work Commission (FWC) and other tribunals...
Performance shortcomings: lost wheels not enough to lose job
In a decision handed down on 2 September 2016 the IRC Full Bench considered whether poor performance by a State Transit Authority (STA)...
Confused reaction to disruptive patient justifies payment to terminated security employee
In a delayed decision handed down on 2 November 2016 the IRC considered an incident where Mr Siddique, a security employee at a major...
“Reasonable notice” ruling adds termination pressure on employers
A recent Federal Court decision has highlighted the risk of relying on the National Employment Standards (the NES) to define the amount...
Australian wage growth hits 20 year low
Growth in wages for Australian employees in the private sector have firmed at the sub 2% level for the first time in two decades. Latest...